When one sits down to meditate, one can notice a sort of psychological inertia, characterised by a continuation of mind activity that eventually tapers off if one continues meditating. The mind must deal with the sudden inactivity of the body. We as a species should to figure out this mind, thing experientially. We use the mind as a tool, and like a sixth sense, we can become more and more aware of how it works. We can notice patterns. It's not something one can learn about in a book or a forum, I suggest that the tool of the mind can only learned through direct experience. We have this incredible and mysterious tool. Or, we are made using this incredible and mysterious tool? The 'have' is only a belief.
The ego, which is mind-made, can be seen operating. After a few minutes of meditation, the mind's own activity will become an object of the mind's eye. I suggest that the ego is not the mind-made self itself, but the force behind the creation of the mind-mind self. I have no idea what I'm talking about. This force can also become an object of one's awareness, given the opportunity. The ego's main jobs are creating or maintaining a good public image, one that is most certain to ensure its survival. This means that the ego looks like different things in different contexts. It's the psychological mechanism behind human survival, and, I suggest, the survival of all that is engaged in survival.
Searching for Salience - The Purpose of Mind-Wandering
At around 1:06:00, Jeremy Lent talks explains why ants wander around (seemingly) aimlessly, and how it relates to the human mind.